Frequently asked questions

If you or someone you know may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) any time day or night, or chat online.

Crisis Text Line also provides free, 24/7, confidential support via text message to people in crisis when they dial 741741.

  • What is counseling?

    Counseling is a confidential, collaborative relationship between you and a professional counselor. The counselor will work to help you identify your personal goals, improve your communication and coping skills, find potential solutions, strengthen your levels of self-esteem, promote behavior change, and achieve an optimal level of mental health.

  • What is telecounseling?

    Telecounseling is the same as counseling but just via the phone or a computer. You can see a mental health provider to address common behavioral health challenges from the privacy and comfort of your own home.

  • Do I need to schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor?

    Mental health counselors are available to you 24/7/365 days a year. You have unlimited access for your in the moment counseling needs and do not need to schedule an appointment. Just reach out and someone will be there for you.

    When you have a particular issue you would like to work on with a mental health counselor, you can make a request and a counselor will connect with you. You can then work with that counselor to schedule ongoing appointments up to 5 sessions per issue, per year.

  • How long is a typical online counseling session?

    A call to a mental health counselor when you’re having an “in the moment” need or a crisis can last as long as deemed appropriate to gain the desired outcome.

    An appointment with a mental health counselor to discuss targeted issues can last up to 45 minutes per session.

  • Because counselors are only licensed to work in certain states, when you are traveling outside of your home state, you will not be able to work with your assigned counselor while outside your state. You will have to work with the clinical care counselors until you return to your home state

  • When your 5 sessions are up for the issue you are working on and you still need more counseling, you will need to continue your work on this issue with a counselor in private practice. Please consult with IWTIW at to request to work with a counselor in private practice.

  • If you experience a new issue and have established a good working relationship with your existing counselor and both you and the counselor wish to continue to work together, you can continue with this same counselor.

  • When the following exist: (This is not an exhaustive list.)

    • Heightened risk of harm to oneself or others; lack of access to, or difficulty with, communications technology.
    • Significant communications services disruptions.
    • A need for more intensive services such as substance abuse, severe eating disorders, psychosis, or recent psychiatric hospitalization.

    In these cases, you will need to establish a new, greater, or more intense access to care for other appropriate services.

  • Yes. It is of utmost importance to maintain patient privacy and keep information secure. IWTIW is designed to be a private, secure, HIPAA-compliant tool that allows you to safely and confidentially consult with a mental health provider.

  • No, to ensure privacy and security of data, IWTIW counseling sessions are not recorded. Minimal notes are kept so as to inform the work of the therapist.

  • Counselors are master’s level therapists practicing in the moment care within all 50 states. For work with a particular issue, all therapists are licensed to practice in their state and trained in prevention and treatment techniques via telehealth.

  • IWTIW cannot provide emergency mental health. If you believe you are in crisis, please call/contact any of the following numbers for care:

    • 911 or go to the nearest emergency room
    • The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255 (24 hours)
    • The crisis text line: Text HOME to 741741 (24 hours) or
  • Yes, but you have to be willing to do the work and to commit to change. Counseling can be very hard and may create disturbances in your existing relationships as you work to grow and to become your best self. Others may not understand, appreciate or accept your growth. It is up to you to determine who you want to be and if this work is for you.

  • Counseling requires a commitment. It involves learning new skills, trying new behaviors in the community, and bringing those experiences back to the counseling session to discuss with your counselor.

  • Yes. There are risks in all forms of counseling.

    Short-term TCT services are conducted and documented in a confidential manner according to applicable laws in similar ways as in-person services. However, there is risk in TCT (including, but not limited to):

    • Sessions, evaluations, or treatments could be disrupted, delayed, or communication distorted due to technical issues.
    • TCT involves alternative forms of communication that may reduce visual and auditory cues and increase the likelihood of misunderstanding one another.
    • A need for more intensive services such as substance abuse, severe eating disorders, psychosis, or recent psychiatric hospitalization.
    • Difficulties in accessing all necessary medical information can result in errors in adverse drug interactions, allergic reactions, and other errors in clinical judgment.
    • Your counselor may determine TCT is not an appropriate treatment option or stop TCT treatment at any time if your condition changes or TCT presents barriers to treatment.
    • In rare cases, security protocols could fail, and your confidential information could be accessed by unauthorized persons.